Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Funeral protest bill passes

The Indiana House this morning passed a bill that would make disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral a felony.

Senate Bill 5, which the House passed 92-0, is aimed to prevent ongoing protests by a Kansas-based church at the funerals of Indiana soldiers. The Westboro Baptist Church has protested at military funerals across the country, saying soldiers are dying because the U.S. supports gays.

Gov. Mitch Daniels is expected to sign the bill into law and it would become effective immediately. The Kentucky legislature has also passed similar legislation.

As seen by the unanimous House vote, Democrats support this bill as a way to stop disrespectful and insensitive displays at an emotional time of grief and loss. In our view, no matter what the political breakdown on an issue may be, those that have served and died for our country deserve better and no citizen or their family should be subjected to such a callus display of opportunism for the benefit of one group or issue.

There is a proper time and place for a person to show their discontent with the direction of the nation or their personal feelings about an issue. Funerals are not one of those opportunities.