Friday, October 06, 2006

What's a firm 'no' between friends?

By Matthew Tully
The Indianapolis Star

The return address belonged to Gov. Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. Wow, I thought. The governor was writing me!

The other pieces of mail were tossed aside as I tore into my correspondence from Indiana's 49th governor. I figured he was just checking in, writing to say hello or, perhaps, to belatedly wish me a happy birthday.

Nope. He wanted some campaign cash.

He won't get it, of course. But as my mom says, it's rude not to reply to letters. Even those that are handwritten and then copied and mass-mailed to thousands. So today's column will serve as my response to the governor.

We'll go line by line, skipping the boring parts, of course.

Daniels: Dear friend, thank you for your commitment to the goal of an Indiana comeback.
Tully: Oh, don't be silly. It was my pleasure.

Daniels: Your support has enabled the new crew to go to work on the vision of a better Indiana.
Tully: Umm, my support? Oh, I get it. You mean all the smart-alecky columns I've written. I should have known you were smart enough to know I was just kidding. You can take a joke -- unlike that Bosma guy!

Daniels: It is only through loyal friends like you that our progress is possible.
Tully: Loyal friends? Boy, this is getting kind of uncomfortable. How do I put this? Governor, you seem like a great guy, but we've never even gone out for a beer. You've never been to my house. Don't you think you're overstating our "friendship"?

Read more on Matthew Tully's "response" to the Governor at the Indianapolis Star