Trash, slash and privatize: Mitch Daniels' governing philosophy
From the Indiana Democratic Party
Although he's been out of the country for a week, Mitch Daniels' efforts to sell off our state have been going strong back home. Earlier this week, Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Mitch Roob told a panel of lawmakers and advocates that there's essentially no other way to save the state's three psychiatric hospitals but to privatize them. No other way?
Of course not, if you listen to the advice of a man who made a career of outsourcing before he joined the Daniels administration. The state hospital scenario is a prime example of the way Mitch Daniels and his crew approach government: They'll say or do anything to sign over all accountability for the critical services Hoosiers depend on. If a few of their buddies get rich in the process, well, that's even better. It's an endless cycle of trashing what already exists -- and the people who work within that system -- to justify handing the keys to someone else. At this rate, will Mitch Daniels be accountable for any government function by the end of his first term?
That's not the way government for, by and of the people should work. We deserve to know who's behind the wheel and who's calling the shots when it comes to our roads, hospitals and other vital services. But Mitch Daniels doesn't know the first thing about how to oversee a complex organization with myriad moving parts that serve diverse groups across our state. Not only does he not understand how government works, but he believes it's an acceptable management philosophy to put down those people who work for government. How many times do we have to hear him complain about state employees and the work they've done both on his watch and under prior administrations?
Mitch Daniels likes to think of himself as a brilliant businessman, but no successful CEO would treat hard-working employees that way. In the end, it's clear that this administration is out to sell off as much as it can as quickly as possible -- after all, they know they might not get a second chance.For the sake of our great state and its public resources, we must force Mitch Daniels to be accountable for his slash-and-burn tactics, questioning these contracts and making sure he doesn't irreparably damage the critical services so many Hoosiers rely on. Ultimately, we must elect new leadership that cares about and listens to all Hoosiers. Together, we can do better than Mitch Daniels.
For more information visit the Indiana Democratic Party website.
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