Thursday, December 08, 2005

Local Democratic Party mourns loss of Bottorff

The Floyd County Democratic Party was sadden to learn that local State Representative James Bottorff (D – Jeffersonville) had lossed his battle with cancer Tueday.

Although Bottorff did not represent Floyd County, many in our community were friends with Bottorff and his work on behalf of Indiana touched the lives of all Hoosiers. A supporter of local institutions such as IU Southeast, Bottorff often worked with State Representative Bill Cochran (D - New Albany) to ensure Southern Indiana received its fair share of State resources.

During this tenure in the Statehouse, Bottorff lead efforts to enact policies such as the expansion of the states home health care program; more funding for schoolchildren; expanded economic development opportunities; and greater tax relief for Hoosiers. Bottorff also worked with Cochran to remove the burdens placed on residents of Clark and Floyd Counties by federally mandated vehicle emissions testing.

Bottorff was a fun person to be around, said Cochran.

“There was no pretense to him. Jim was an effective legislator,” Cochran said.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Jim's family. His presence in the community will be missed.