Monday, June 12, 2006

Residents pick Scribner in Tribune poll


Three-fifths of city residents randomly polled by The Tribune favor continuing the Scribner Place project.

The newspaper called about 3,300 homes and garnered 595 responses in a phone poll conducted Wednesday and Thursday. A recorded message said, “A proposed resolution in the city council would effectively stop progress on the planned Scribner Place community center in downtown New Albany.”

This referred by a City Council resolution by Dan Coffey to rescind city funds for the project in light of unstable sewer-utility finances. The city is set to contribute $137,500 a year for 16 years, while the Caesars Foundation of Floyd County contributes $1 million a year. The YMCA of Southern Indiana is raising $8 million to build its share of the facility, which will be a municipal aquatic center and a YMCA.

For more on the Tribune's News Poll, read online at www.