Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Congressional Update

at 2006 dinner
News from Congressman Baron Hill
Proudly Serving the Ninth District of Indiana

In This Issue
House Stimulus Package
Vote to Override SCHIP Veto Again
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Hoosiers for Hill
PO Box 1071
Seymour, IN 47274
(812) 525-2391

February 4, 2008

Dear Adam,

I hope this newsletter finds you well as we enter February and move forward into the election cycle. It is an exciting time to be a part of the Democratic party, as we are watching history in the making during this primary season.
I am also preparing to enter my own campaign. If you can, please take a moment to visit or visit the "volunteer" link to the left in order to update your contact information. Feel free to forward this newsletter and the website as well. I couldn't be here without your support, and we'll need to work hard again this fall.
Today marks my thirteenth month back in Congress as your representative, and it is my honor and privilege to serve you. As always this session of Congress remains busy. Much significant legislation sits before us, last week was the State of the Union Address, and today I'm home visiting with Hoosiers in the western part of the district before I return to Washington.
I assure you that I will continue to represent the values of all across Indiana's Ninth District. Thank you so much for your support, and please feel free to contact my offices with any questions or concerns. My staff and I want to hear from you in order to determine how we can best serve you. I look forward to seeing you around the District soon.


Rally Pic 1
Baron P. Hill
Ninth District of Indiana
U.S. House of Representatives
House Stimulus Package

On Tuesday, January 29, 2008 the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5140, the Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008.

Years of reckless spending and few, if any, sound fiscal policies by the current administration have led us to our current economic state. While I supported the economic stimulus package today, we must remember that this is only a temporary, stop-gap measure. We must also remember that our underlying economic problems remain to be addressed. The long-term solution will require much more than rebates, but a real commitment to fiscal conservancy.

Vote to Override President's Veto of SCHIP Again
On Wednesday, January 23, 2008 I voted to override the President's veto of H.R. 976, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007, for a second time this afternoon. Provisions were added to this version of the bill that would strengthen the prohibition of illegal immigrants gaining access to the SCHIP program.

Although I still have reservations about how this expansion of SCHIP is funded, my support for providing health insurance for our nation's children surpasses my complaints about the bill. I want to once again be very clear that I fully support the SCHIP program. Guaranteeing access to health insurance for all children is not only a worthy goal, but it is the right thing to do. In fact, I have consistently supported the SCHIP program during my previous terms in Congress, and have recently voted to extend the program until the President approves an expansion of the program.

The vote on the veto override failed, 260 to 152. In order to override a presidential veto, two-thirds of Members present and voting must vote "aye."

Fundraising - Thank you for your support!

I cannot thank you enough for your support. I could not serve without your help. I want to ensure that Southern Indiana values remain represented in Congress, but to do so we'll have to fight hard in order to retain this seat.

We finished the 2007 fundraising year strongly, with close to $250,000 for the last quarter and almost $1 million cash-on-hand. This is more money than I've ever raised before and I've been very successful in my fundraising. But my opponent will be well-funded by his Republican allies on the national level, and it will take all the resources we've got to counter his deep pockets. If you're interested in helping me raise money, please contact Erica Bordador at (812) 525-2391 or