Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Message From Jill Long Thompson

From the Campaign of Jill Long Thompson, Democratic Candidate for Governor

Dear Friend:

All across Indiana today, gas prices hit record highs. In many communities, prices jumped 20 cents per gallon in just a few hours, reaching as high as $3.85 in some areas.

It's time to take action.

I recently unveiled a plan to give working Hoosiers relief at the pump by lowering the price of gas in Indiana. While our economy continues to suffer under George W. Bush and Mitch Daniels, the higher gas prices are forcing families to make some tough decisions. People shouldn't have to choose between paying for groceries, medicine, clothing and getting to work.

Hoosiers families deserve a break.

Under my plan, the sales taxes you pay on gas will be capped when fuel reaches $2.75 at the pump. As fuel prices reach record highs, the new higher sales tax hit folks with a double whammy. In this economy, that is just not fair.

Please join me in giving Hoosiers relief at the gas pump. Click here to sign my petition to lower the sales tax on gas. Tell my opponents, "Gimme a break!"

Together, we can change Indiana and get our state back on track. Please join me.

