Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can Obama Run the Offense?

Let’s see if I’ve got this straight. Barack Obama is a United States senator, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his party’s candidate for president of the United States — and yet it was somehow presumptuous of him to meet with foreign leaders last week during his trip to the Middle East and Europe.

I’ll say this about Senator Obama. He sure raises people’s hackles. I’ve never seen anyone so roundly criticized for such grievous offenses as giving excellent speeches and urging people of different backgrounds to take a chance on working together. How dare he? And 200,000 people turned out to hear him in Berlin. Unforgivable.

The man has been taken to task for promoting hope, threatened with mutilation by Jesse Jackson for suggesting that a lot of black fathers could do better by their kids and had his patriotism called into question because he wants to wind down a war that most Americans would dearly love to be rid of.

John McCain can barely stop himself from sputtering at the mere mention of Senator Obama’s name. He actually ran an ad blaming Mr. Obama for high gasoline prices. Even Republicans had a good laugh at that one.

And yet Mr. Obama continues to treat Senator McCain respectfully. As far as personal character is concerned, Mr. Obama has scored very well, indeed.

What remains to be seen, now that the overseas tour is over, is whether Team Obama can play offense here at home and pile up enough points to win this election. Mr. McCain has been a surprisingly inept candidate (riding on a golf cart with Poppy Bush was almost as deadly an image as the helmeted Mike Dukakis bouncing around in a tank), but he has stayed within striking distance.

And you can’t trust any of the polls this year. I was in New Hampshire when the polls and the pundits said Mr. Obama was a lock to win that primary. He lost. And I was in California on Super Tuesday when the polls said he was closing fast. He wasn’t.

So this is not your ordinary election. Senator Obama will have to turn people on big-time just to win by a little. And for all the tedious talk about timelines and what the surge in Iraq has or has not accomplished, the top three issues in this campaign are still the economy, the economy and the economy.

Americans are losing jobs, losing the equity in their homes, losing their retirement nest eggs, and tragically, in increasing numbers, actually losing the family home itself. This is the issue on which the Obama people should long since have pounced.

A recent survey found that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the social contract of the 20th century — in which the government, employers and the society as a whole pulled together to see that those who worked hard and played by the rules were afforded the basic necessities of daily life and a shot at the American dream — “appears to be unraveling.”

Nearly 80 percent of those who responded to the survey, conducted for the Rockefeller Foundation and Time magazine, said they are facing greater financial risks now than in the past.

This anxiety is pervasive, and it was clearly evident a little more than two weeks ago when Phil Gramm, then John McCain’s key economic adviser, callously remarked that we were suffering from a “mental recession” and that the U.S. had become “a nation of whiners.”

The Obama crowd should have instantly seen the Gramm gaffe for what it was, a gift from the political gods. They should have run with it. I would have dragged out that old Maxine Brown song with the lyric: “Maybe it’s all in my mind.”

The Democrats could have had some fun and made political hay, using the Gramm comments to highlight what has happened to working people under Republican rule. But the Obama folks let the matter drop, and instead of an endless loop of “mental recession,” what we’ve heard incessantly over the past couple of weeks has been Mr. McCain pounding on Mr. Obama about the surge.

The word is that an economic offensive may finally be coming from the Obama campaign.

Anna Burger, the secretary-treasurer of the Service Employees International Union, was part of a wide-ranging group of advisers on economic issues who met with Mr. Obama in Washington on Monday. “He has very serious policies, not sound bites, for addressing the long-term and short-term issues that are having such a dramatic effect on people who are working and trying to make ends meet,” she said.

Translating those ideas into a compelling economic narrative for his campaign — something Mr. Obama has not yet done — is the key to defeating John McCain.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Interest high for vacant Floyd County Council seat

By the New Albany Tribune

Interest in Randy Stumler’s vacant Floyd County Council seat seems to be high, as six candidates have filed to fill it or plan to do so.

Stumler, a democrat, resigned last week from the council to pursue a teaching opportunity with the U.S. Department of Defense. He will move next month to the Azores Islands, located off the coast of Portugal.

A caucus to pick his replacement will be at 7 p.m. Aug. 5 in the Floyd County Circuit Court Room, located on the fourth floor of the City/County Building.

All Democratic Party precinct committeemen that were elected or appointed on or before June 14 will be eligible to vote for the council seat.

Those who seek the seat include: Ted Heavrin, Brad Striegel, Doug Cook, Suellen Wilkinson, Doug Elsler and Joe Schindler. Candidates can still file by Aug. 3 if they are interested in the seat.

Read more at the New Albany Tribune website.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hill mourns loss of son-in-law

From the Floyd County Democratic Party

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of 9th District Congressman Baron Hill as they mourn the loss of Hill's son-in-law, Josh Huddleston. Hill made the announcement in a statement today.

Huddleston, who was married to Hill's second daughter Cara, had suffered from leukemia.

“After a long and brave battle against leukemia, I am deeply saddened to report that we have lost a member of our family, Josh Huddleston." Hill stated.

"Josh was not only my son-in-law, but a dedicated husband and friend. We sincerely appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have received during this difficult time.”

Final funneral arrangements are as follows:

A Memorial Life Celebration Service will be held Sunday, July 27, 2:00 PM, at Eagle Pointe Golf Resort, Bloomington, IN. The Reverend Steve Cherry will officiate. All friends and loved ones are invited to the outdoor service to celebrate Josh's life and the incredible way he lived it.

In lieu of flowers memorials may be written to the Huddleston Trust Fund through Voss Funeral Service, 316 North Chestnut Street, Seymour, IN, 812-522-5558. Cards and remembrances may be sent to 1136 Kensington Court, Seymour, IN 47274 or Voss Funeral Services at the above address.

Directions to Eagle Pointe Golf Resort:

' IN-37

' Take Monroe / Harrisburg exit

' Travel East on Stram Ridge Road (1 mile)

' Turn left (top of hill) onto South Stram Ridge Road (1.7 miles)- golf course

is visible on right

' Turn right into Eagle Pointe Resort at the end of golf course

' Follow the Eagle Pointe signs

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Message from the Floyd County Democratic Party Chairman

By Randy Stumler, Chairman, Floyd Co. Democratic Party

Dear friends:

We are truly living in exciting times! This fall election season is already shaping up to be a real debate about issues important to the people. One topic is on everyone’s minds: change. So in the spirit of change, I would like to make a personal announcement.

I have enjoyed serving you as your Floyd County Councilman for two terms and as Floyd County Democratic Chairman for four years. I believe that I found a calling that allowed me to give back to our community. I hope that I have been a faithful servant during this time.

Recently, another opportunity has arisen for me to give back, not just to the community that I love, but to our nation. The Department of Defense operates schools for the dependants of service personnel world wide. I have been asked to teach math and science at a military base in the Azores, off the coast of Portugal. My family and I have accepted this offer, and will be moving next month to the base where we will live while I am teaching there. I am very excited that I will be able to serve our country and the men and women in uniform in this way. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for my family and me, and we are up to the challenge.

Therefore, I will be resigning as councilman and chairman this week. When I have finished my service with the Department of Defense, we plan to return to our home, Floyd County, and I will continue to work for what I think is important: families, the environment, and a safe and livable community.

Thank you for supporting me for all these years, and stay involved in the fight for a better Floyd County!"

We will be leaving in early August, so I have already submitted my resignation. The party is in very capable hands with acting Chairwoman Marcey Wisman. Along with Tony and Adam, she is guiding us toward a Democratic landslide this fall with the help of all Democrats. There will be a few changes, but the transition will be seamless.

I want to thank all of you for all you do for the Democratic Party. Keep working hard to bring home victories for Barack Obama, Jill Long Thompsom, and all Democrats this fall!

I hope to see all of you again very soon.


Randy Stumler

Candidates Spolight Message at the 4-H Fair

By the Floyd County Democratic Party

Ever hear the expression "when pigs fly?" Maybe you'd like to see royalty take center stage with a championship Jersey? Perhaps you'd like to prove you can eat the most White Castles in two minutes? Sound like something from a dream? No, just fun times at Floyd County's annual 4-H Fair!

All kidding aside, the 4-H fair is a right of summer and offers everyone in the family something to enjoy. While many are attracted to the good food, rides, and shows, the real purpose of the fair is to enrich the lives of our youth. The projects they undertake, from photography exhibits to animal shows, helps them learn more about the world we live in and teaches them important life lessons they will never forget.

For this reason alone, the Democratic Party is a proud supporter of the fair and our party and its candidates wouldn't think of missing the event. Even 9th District Congressman Baron Hill was able to return from Washington D.C. and make a surprise visit on Thursday, July 10th to greet fairgoers and watch the Livestock Auction among other events.

The Democratic Party wishes to thanks those that supported the fair and attended its many events. We also appreciate the support of many fairgoers who picked up literature or indicated they would support our candidates in the fall election. Such grassroots support is the centerpiece of our party and we hope to continue to reflect that support in our core philosophy and values.

We'd also be remiss not to congratulate the 4-H Fair Corporation and its Fair Board for the hard work and dedication that it takes to organize and run the fair each year. The tireless effort of these volunteers is certainly something to be celebrated. As we reflect on this year's fair we in the Democratic Party hope others consider volunteering their time and continue to make the Floyd County Fair an event the entire family can enjoy.