Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bush tries to rally GOP troops

By Sam Youngman
The Hill

President Bush paid a visit to the Republican National Committee’s headquarters Tuesday morning to thank aides for their hard work and also to rally them for the last week of campaigning.

White House press secretary Dana Perino said the president would outline his view of the GOP, a party that is facing a toxic political environment largely because of the policies of the Bush administration.

White House spokesman Scott Stanzel, who traveled with the president to RNC headquarters, said the president encouraged staffers there to “work hard for John McCain and keep turning out the vote until the final ballot is cast next week.”

“He also took the opportunity to thank the staff for all of their efforts during this election cycle and for their support of him over the last eight years,” Stanzel said. “He spoke to the staff about the importance of American leadership on the issues of the economy, the war on terror and freedom. He thanked Chairman Mike Duncan for his leadership of the RNC.”

Read more about the President's efforts to reinforce the Republican base at THE HILL.