Monday, October 20, 2008

Young Women speak to Palin

From the Floyd County Democratic Party

With less than 15 days left in the Presidential contest, the election has been trumpeted as a historic event featuring topics such as the success and importance of women in our Democratic process. This point was underscored by Senator Hillary Clinton, who's campaign marked a new high point for women in this country and proved that anyone can be President of the United States.

On the other side of the political spectrum, the Republicans also made history with the selection of Sarah Palin as their Vice Presidential candidate. While our party has welcomed the progress represented by this choice, it is nonetheless important to recognize that there are significant doubts among voters regarding her readiness to step in to the position of President.

But for many women that have made this election cycle historic, other fundamental issues remain besides Palin's readiness to serve as President. On many of the fundamental issues that have shaped the lives of women, Sarah Palin seems to offer a different direction many women feel would be a step backward.

It was under this context that the following video was produced - not by a political campaign, but by a group of young women standing firm to their believes and rights. Its message is so powerful, we felt it deserved credit and have posted it for your viewing pleasure.