Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chelsea Clinton to visit New Albany

Indiana Young Democrat Officer Filing

From the Indiana Young Democrats

If you are interested in running for an IYD office, please submit your interest to Jason Tomcsi by e-mail ( by Friday, May 30th.

Positions on the IYD Exec. Board are (with general duties listed):

Oversees general operation of organization and helps set direction for the organization. Represents IYD on the Democratic State Central Committee and holds one of three votes for Indiana on the Young Democrats of America National Committee (position requires some personal financial commitment for statewide travel and travel to quarterly national meetings).

1st Vice President:
Assists and works with President in execution of duties. Represents IYD on the Democratic State Central Committee with State President.

2nd Vice President:
In charge of membership recruitment and development, as well as fundraising.

National Committeewoman:
Represents IYD on the Young Democrats of America National Committee; officially in charge of fundraising (this position requires some personal financial commitment for travel to quarterly national meetings).

National Committeeman:
Same duties and commitment as National Committeewoman...except you have to be a guy...

Maintains financial records of IYD and prepares and submits campaign finance reports..

Maintains minutes of IYD Executive Board; other duties as requested of the officer

There are also several other additional appointments possible.

A Message from Jim Schellinger

From Jim Schellinger, Democratic Candidate for Governor


We want to make sure you don't miss the profile of Jim that was printed in this week’s edition of the Indianapolis Business Journal. It offers a great deal of insight into Jim’s leadership style, his working-class background and the reasons he decided to run for Governor as a first-time candidate.

From the story:

At CSO Architects, employees look forward to brown bag lunches. About once a month, they break into small groups that don’t often mix. Executives, draftsmen and administrative assistants alike put their own bags up for grabs, then take a chance on one of their co-worker’s concoctions.

It’s an hour Jim Schellinger coordinates himself. Casual conversation over bologna and pudding may seem mundane next to pressing construction deadlines. But it breaks down barriers. And it generates good will.

“He lets you be part of the team,” said Tracy Carfanga, CSO’s director of finance, who has worked for Schellinger for 12 years. “He lets you have responsibilities, and counts on you to take care of them. He lets you have ownership. And when you do them, he thanks you.”

A fresh-faced 47, Schellinger is trying to leverage his reputation as a consensus builder to Indiana’s highest office. Since entering the race for governor last year, he’s been criss-crossing the state touting his “Pick Up Indiana Jobs Plan,” which emphasizes work-force training, small-business incentives and development of “green-collar” jobs that encourage development of environmentally friendly businesses.

Schellinger, a South Bend native, has never run for public office before, though he’s long been a contributor to Democratic candidates.

He complains that Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican, has forced divisive change on issues like daylight-saving time and the lease of the Indiana Toll Road. He promises to offer the antithesis of Daniels’ topdown approach.

“Democrats and independents and Republicans alike agree that we can and should be doing better in Indiana. We deserve better leadership,” Schellinger said. “This has been my central message from day one. It’s what inspired me to step up out of my comfort zone to do this. Because I believe there’s so much potential in Indiana and we have not tapped it.”

“I’m a big believer in teamwork. I’m a big believer in bringing people together,” he continued. “You cannot accomplish anything with a leadership style that’s arrogant and polarizes people.”

Click here to read the full article.

For more coverage of Jim’s campaign, please visit

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

A Message From Jill Long Thompson

From the Campaign of Jill Long Thompson, Democratic Candidate for Governor

Dear Friend:

All across Indiana today, gas prices hit record highs. In many communities, prices jumped 20 cents per gallon in just a few hours, reaching as high as $3.85 in some areas.

It's time to take action.

I recently unveiled a plan to give working Hoosiers relief at the pump by lowering the price of gas in Indiana. While our economy continues to suffer under George W. Bush and Mitch Daniels, the higher gas prices are forcing families to make some tough decisions. People shouldn't have to choose between paying for groceries, medicine, clothing and getting to work.

Hoosiers families deserve a break.

Under my plan, the sales taxes you pay on gas will be capped when fuel reaches $2.75 at the pump. As fuel prices reach record highs, the new higher sales tax hit folks with a double whammy. In this economy, that is just not fair.

Please join me in giving Hoosiers relief at the gas pump. Click here to sign my petition to lower the sales tax on gas. Tell my opponents, "Gimme a break!"

Together, we can change Indiana and get our state back on track. Please join me.



Saturday, April 05, 2008

Candidate Profiles Featured in New Albany Tribune

By the Floyd County Democratic Party

Once again, the New Albany Tribune has fulfilled an important role by asking the primary candidates to introduce themselves to the larger public with their featured profiles. The short informative pieces allow candidates to respond to general questions and outline their background and experience for office.

We in the Democratic Party encourage all our candidates to participate in this profile and encourage citizens to learn more about our candidates. Links to the Tribune's profiles can be found below. The public is also invited to the annual "Meet the Candidates" dinner hosted by the Floyd County Democrat Women's Club to hear directly from the Democratic candidates. The dinner will be held on Monday, April 7th at the New Albany Knights of Columbus on Main Street in New Albany, IN.

  • CANDIDATE Q&A: Floyd County Council At-Large Democratic Primary
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: Floyd County Superior Court 3 - Democratic Primary
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: Floyd County Superior Court 1 - Democratic Primary
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: Floyd County Coroner - Democratic Primary
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: NA-FC School Board - At-Large
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: NA-FC School Board - District 3
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: Indiana Governor - Democratic Primary
  • CANDIDATE Q&A: U.S. Congress 9th District Democratic Primary