Thursday, January 12, 2006

Indiana Toll Road petition an overwhelming success

On the first anniversary of his inauguration, the Indiana Democratic Party delivered to Gov. Mitch Daniels’ office more than 2,500 signatures of Hoosiers opposed to the sale of the Indiana Toll Road.

The party launched the petition in December to give Hoosiers a forum where they could voice their concerns about Daniels’ proposal to sell the road to a foreign investor for a one-time cash infusion to the state. The plan requires legislative approval from the Indiana General Assembly, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed concerns about it.

“For an electronic petition that was circulated largely by e-mail and word-of-mouth, we were honestly surprised to receive so many signatures,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chair Dan Parker.

More than 1,000 people signed the Toll Road petition in its first week on the Internet.

“This level of response tells us there are a lot of Hoosiers out there who are dissatisfied with the short-term fix the Governor has proposed. We hope this means he’ll start putting some ideas on the table that regular Hoosiers can embrace, instead of plans that divide the state,” Parker said.

Thank you for all your support and help. We couldn't have done it without you!